Install Wowza Media Streaming Server In Debian Lenny
Login to your Debian Lenny box Edit your sources.list file to install java #vi /etc/apt/sources.list Add non-free to the end of the line deb lenny main i.e. the line should look like deb lenny main non-free Install Java #apt-get update && apt-get install sun-java6-jre Download Wowza Media Server using wget #wget -c Add execute permission #chmod +x WowzaMediaServer-2.1.1.deb.bin Run the installer #./WowzaMediaServer-2.1.1.deb.bin (Press Space to read next page of the agreement) (Type Yes at the end of the agreement) (The setup will be finished) Now go to your installed location and run #cd /usr/local/WowzaMediaServer/bin/ && ./ paste your license key Press CTRL+C to stop the server if it is still running and you can't get a prompt. Now copy your flv video video.flv