light application for your Ubuntu linux

  • xfce - Alternative to Gnome or Kde
  • enlightment - Alternative to Gnome or Kde
  • openbox - An window manager
  • pypanel - An extremely light weight panel
  • gmrun - will give you a small run dialog upon running
  • obmenu - graphical openbox menu editting app
  • obconf - graphical openbox theme changer, among other options
  • nitrogen - lightweight application to change wallpapers
  • gtk-chtheme - will allow you to change gtk themes
  • sakura - a light weight tabbed terminal.
  • scrot - a command line screenshot tool
  • kazehakase - a lightweight browser based on the gecko engine
  • sylpheed - a light weight email application
  • rtorrent - a command line torrent app
  • irssi - command line irc
  • finch - the command line version of finch
  • decibel-audio-player - a light weight gtk based audio app
  • xfburn - a burning application from the xfce suite
  • mirage - an extremely light weight image viewer
  • abiword and gnumeric - lighter office apps when compared to open office.
  • leafpad - extremely lightweight notepad app
  • epdfview - lightweight pdf viewer
  • xarchiver - lightweight archiving and compression tool to replace file-roller with.
  • pcmanfm - tabbed, lightweight file manager.
  • ivman - a behind the scenes auto-mounter.


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