simple command to turn off monitor or display

xset dpms force off
Press Alt+F2 and type the above command. It will switch off your monitor. Its very handy for saving power :P.

Whatever the reason is I hope you will find this useful.

And one last thing, spread the words, save power.


  1. How to add the command to a shortcut, like Fn+F5 in my Samsung NC10

    This is very useful command to save battery power.

  2. hi anonymous you can easily do it from keyboard shortcuts from system preferences.

  3. I've tryed this method but i dont know why it doesn't want to run
    i've created a simple launcher with the command and i've put it in desktop, it's ok, but i really like to do it with a keyboard shortcut, are there any tricks to do it?
    (I'm using Ubuntu 9.04)

  4. Hi,

    I didn't understand your question properly. I am also on 9.04. Do as follows, make a file and put

    xset dpms force off

    add executable permission to the file

    Go to system preferences keyboard shortcut and add the file to it with your preferred keyboard shortcut.

    Mine works perfectly in this way.

  5. Sorry for my bad english...
    I think that the problem is the #!/bin/bash
    now i've resolved thanks so much

  6. Hi Anonymouse,

    Can you tell me the steps you did.

  7. can u tell the steps?

  8. Hello Amit, what do you mean? Just type
    xset dpms force off

  9. In run or on Command Prompt I've tried both this but not working and also explain how to make keyboard shortcut of it.

  10. Amit,

  11. I've Windows XP please tell on behlf of it.

  12. Amit, I was suspecting that. This tip is for Ubuntu Linux. I'm sure you can buy pretty cheap software for Windows XP. Please search some other place.

  13. Thanx 4 answering my queries. NP

  14. I use "sleep 3 && xset dpms force off" with the excellent
    gesture recognition app Easystroke. Start my audiobook and then perform the recorded gesture and presto.......

  15. Code:
    sleep 1;xset dpms force off

    "sleep 1" will prevent make the command work better
    Thanks TechsPalace


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